Park Ridge Notice of Request of Release of Funds

LHA is seeking to use sales proceeds from the sale of Arbor Manor, a 17-acre site that LHA previously owned. There are six (6) documents that need to be made available to the public for review and/comments prior to HUD’s Jacksonville Field Office releasing the funds for use at Park Ridge, an approximately 7.5-acre site to be known as Eddie Woodard Apartments. The following is a list of the documents:
- Request to HUD Jacksonville Field Office to Use Program Income on Affordable Housing Development
- HUD Approval of Disposition and Sale of Arbor Manor
- Copy of the Environmental Assessment Determinations and Compliance Findings for HUD Assisted Projects (24 CFR Part 58) for Park Ridge (Eddie Woodard Apartments)
- Copy of the signed HEROS Report signed by Polk County
- LHA Board Resolution Number 22-1516 Authorizing the Executive Director to Negotiate All Documents Necessary for LHA to Manage Park Ridge Apartments
- LHA’s Request for Release of Funds (form-HUD 7015.15) for Park Ridge (Eddie Woodard Apartments)
Documents for Download