Agency New Business Opportunity Request for Qualifications for Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity Architectural Services Rfq 2023 01

The Housing Authority of the City of Lakeland (also known as the Lakeland Housing Authority or LHA) acting for itself and/or for its various instrumentalities and affiliates is requesting qualifications from Architectural firms to provide an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) of various Architectural services to assist with its Affordable Housing programs and Public Housing Capital Fund programs. LHA intends to establish a pool of two or more qualified architectural firms registered in the State of Florida to provide on-call design services as defined by, and in accordance with the Model Form of Agreement between Owner and Design Professional (HUD Form 51915) and the Contract Provisions Required by Federal Law or Owner Contract with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD Form 51915-A). The awarded continuing contracts will be for a base period of two (2) years with an option to extend the contracts for up to an additional three (3) year period. Services will be contracted as individual task orders issued against the main contract and will include specific scopes of work.
Individual task orders must be awarded within the IDIQ contract term. However, the performance period of individual task orders may exceed the IDIQ contract term (i.e. Construction Administration, Closeout, and Warranty services may extend beyond the duration of the IDIQ contract.) If the duration of a task order extends beyond the term of the IDIQ contract, the terms and conditions of the IDIQ contract will continue in effect through completion of the task order. The services will be for projects in which the estimated construction cost of each individual project does not exceed $2 million or study activity when the fee for professional services does not exceed $200,000. The complete Request for Qualifications (RFQ) may be obtained by emailing a request to [email protected] or visiting the LHA website at .
LHA reserves the right to award one or more contracts resulting from this RFQ. Responses must be submitted by 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on November 14, 2023. Minority Business Enterprises, Woman Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, and Section 3 qualified entities are encouraged to respond to this RFQ. There will be a Pre-Proposal Conference on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at 1:00 p.m., Eastern Time. The conference will be held in the Board Room at Lakeland Housing Authority. The address is 430 Hartsell Avenue, Lakeland, Florida 33815.
Visit Contracting and Procurement Center for more information
Requisition Details: Requests For Qualification