Notice of Public Hearings, Public Meetings and Public Notice Lakeland Housing Authority Fy 2016 Agency Plan

The Lakeland Housing Authority (LHA) has scheduled two Public Meetings with the Residents Advisory Board and the general public on its FY 2016 Agency Plan on July 30 and August 13, 2015 at 9:00 AM at the LHA Administrative office located at 430 Hartsell Avenue, Lakeland. Note: The Public Hearing is scheduled for September 4, 2015 at 8:30 AM.
LHA has developed its Agency Plan in accordance with the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998, including but not limited to additional updates received from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The Agency Plan and its attachments are available for review at the above address between the hours of 8AM to 5PM, Monday to Thursday, starting July 8, 2015 and ending on August 23, 2015, the plan will be posted for 45 days. Inquiries and comments may be directed to Carlos Pizarro, Vice-President of Housing at [email protected] and/or Valerie Brown, Vice-President of Administration at [email protected] and/or Florida Relay services at 711 and/or by visiting our website at
Copy of the Agency plan will be also available for review at the following locations:
- Larry Jackson Library – 1700 N. Florida Ave, Lakeland 33805
- City of Lakeland Library – 100 Lake Morton Drive, Lakeland, 33801
- Paul A. Diggs Association – 150 W. 14th Street, 3rd Floor, Lakeland, 33805
- City of Lakeland Community Redevelopment Agency - 228 S. Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801
The Housing Authority of the City of Lakeland dated July 7, 2015.
L2016 07/07; 2015-Public and Legal Notice
Documents for Download
Name | File Size |
General Attachments - Supplementary Uploads in Current News Entry (ex. Flyer) | 126 KB |