@lakelandhousing   (863) 687-2911

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Welcome to Lakeland Housing Authority

Our Mission is to provide quality, affordable housing and self-sufficiency opportunities in an effective and professional manner, in Lakeland and Polk County Florida.

We accomplish all of this through Section 8 – Housing Choice Vouchers, Public Housing, Affordable Home Ownership, Affordable Rental Opportunities, Resident Training Opportunities and Supportive Services, YouthBuild Lakeland Program, After School Programs, Senior Active Lifestyle Programs, accommodations for disabled residences, and our partnerships with numerous community partners that provide social services.

Important Announcement

March 19, 2020

COVID-19 Action Plan

The Housing Authority of the City of Lakeland (PHA) is working hard to show it cares about people and places in this time of a national health crisis. The PHA is still open for business. We will continue to provide housing for people in need. The PHA is closely monitoring the rapidly changing situation regarding spread of the COVID-19 virus. In recent days, the World Health Organization designated COVID-19 as a pandemic, a national emergency has been declared, the Governor declared a peacetime state of emergency, and the City of Lakeland has also declared a local state of emergency.

The health and safety of the approximately 7,000 individuals that we house and/or serve on a daily basis, as well as our 52 employees, is the PHA’s highest priority. The PHA is actively engaged with public health officials, as well as following guidance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This guidance, along with information about preventing infection, may be found on the website for the CDC Coronavirus at:

Until further notice, the PHA will be taking the following actions for purposes of implementing this COVID-19 Action Plan.


1. PHA-Owned and Managed Affordable Housing (Public Housing, Scattered Sites); Resident Services

Applicant Interviews:

  • All in-person intake appointments are cancelled and all applicants with interviews already scheduled will be mailed an intake packet and be given a phone interview.

Approving/Denying Files

  • Applications recommended for approval or denial will be submitted electronically by property staff to the appropriate supervisor for review.

Resident Hearings:

  • All in-person denial hearings are cancelled.
  • Applicants may appeal their denial by submitting via fax, email or US Postal Service mail, a written explanation of why their denial should be overturned, along with supporting documentation, and two community references.
  • Or a video conference may be scheduled.

Lease Signings for New Tenants:

  • Lease signings and initial unit assignments will continue as usual.

Inspections and Accessing of PHA Units:

  • All routine annual inspections will be done after a set of questions are answered.
  • Life and Safety inspections will be conducted by staff as needed.
  • Property Managers and staff will use gloves, masks and shoe covers when accessing tenant units.


  • Reasonable Accommodations/Emergency Transfers will continue as usual.

Rent Calculations/Certifications:

  • Re-Exam staff will continue work on verifying and completing income changes. Income changes reported by the resident will now be submitted via US Postal Service, email, fax, phone or drop in.
  • A resident may request a financial hardship exemption (Minimum Rent Emergency Waivers) while providing the required supporting documentation.

Resident Work Orders:

  • Property staff will continue to process maintenance requests.
  • Maintenance requests will only be accepted via phone or email at each community.


2. PHA-Owned and Managed Affordable Housing (Public Housing, Scattered Sites) Maintenance

PHA Maintenance staff will continue regular operations and implement a series of enhanced cleaning and sanitization operations.

  • Staff will disinfect shared surfaces in hi-rises, community centers and the Central Administrative Office front desk twice daily.
  • Property Managers will prepare a common checklist for maintenance staff to follow.
  • Office staff will contribute to the sanitization effort by monitoring their own office environments.
  • All Preventative Maintenance inspections will continue.

Cleaning and Sanitation supplies

  • Waterless anti-bacterial hand soap is available in PHA public spaces so residents can be encouraged to wash their hands in an attempt to ensure they are not unintentionally transferring the virus.
  • As supplies become more difficult to obtain, emergency purchasing procedures will be utilized to obtain cleaning supplies and personal protection equipment.


  • Construction work will continue based upon the scope of the work.


3. Privately-owned PHA assisted affordable housing (Section 8, Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)) program

Actions affecting people new to PHA program and/or Housing Choice Voucher program:

  • Intake appointments will now be conducted via US Postal Service mail, YARDI or by any available method(s).
  • Briefings will now be held via electronic means.

Actions affecting on going case management of current participants:

  • All in-person appointments are suspended until further notice, please contact your case worker or the program supervisor.
  • Mailings will include a return checklist as a reminder of all the documents needed and will also encourage participants to return the documents via Docu-Phase, RENT CAFÉ, email, mail, or fax to limit contact.
  • Participants may request an in-person appointment, if needed.
  • Staff will contact persons with existing appointments to cancel in-person appointment and to request return of documents by Docu-phase, RENT CAFÉ, mail, fax, or email.

Inspections of assisted units

  • Inspections for Section 8 participants moving to a new unit and/or entering our program for the first time will continue. These are needed in order to begin housing assistance.
  • Inspectors will have gloves, shoe covers and masks available for each inspection.
  • Annual inspections already scheduled (March through July), which cannot be delayed, will only receive initial inspection and landlords can self-certify repairs completed on any nonlife-threatening deficiencies items.
  • Participants can request annual inspections, if needed. Any annual inspection already scheduled during this time that can be delayed will be delayed for 30 days.
  • All re-inspections will be completed via self-certifications.


4. PHA employees:

At this time, federal, state and local public health officials say U.S. residents should stay home if they show coronavirus or COVID-19 symptoms such as

  • Fever or feverishness
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Health officials say all individuals who have virus-like symptoms should remain at home and avoid contact with others. They should do so until at least 14 days after they are free of fever without the use of fever-reducing medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Teach your children how to avoid getting the virus and how to protect others from becoming infected. If we all practice good hygiene, we can limit the spread of COVID-19 in our schools, communities, childcare centers and workplaces.

If you need to stay home to care for young children due to daycare and school closures:

  • Inform your supervisor by phone or email.
  • You may use your accrued leave time (FTO).

If you have been advised to quarantine due to potential exposure to COVID‐19:

  • Inform your supervisor by phone or email and stay at home for 14 days or you receive written medical clearance from an official medical representative.
  • Work remotely is not allowed due to the nature of our business.
  • You may use your accrued leave time (FTO).

If you have COVID‐19 and need to isolate:

  • Inform your supervisor and HR by phone or email and stay at home until symptoms have cleared or you receive written medical clearance from an official medical representative.
  • You may use your accrued leave time (FTO).

If you need to stay at home to care for a dependent or a family member who is sick with COVID‐19:

  • Inform your supervisor and HR by phone or email and stay home.
  • You may use your accrued leave time (FTO).
  • You will need to obtain written medical clearance from an official medical representative before being allowed to return to work.

If you have a medical condition and your treating physician is recommending that you maintain social distancing:

  • Inform your supervisor by phone or email and email your doctor’s note, if possible.
  • You may use your accrued leave time (FTO).

If you do not want to come to work because you are afraid that you may come in contact with COVID‐19 through the workplace:

  • Inform your supervisor by phone or email and request leave.
  • You may use your accrued leave time (FTO).

If you travel or visit another state or city on vacation with a high number of COVID‐19 cases before you come to work, you must:

  • Inform your supervisor by phone or email and stay at home for 14 days or obtain written medical clearance from an official medical representative.
  • You may use your accrued leave time (FTO).

Protecting Yourself Against COVID-19

According to, the following steps are the strongest ways to protect yourself against COVID-19:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Protection Against COVID-19

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick.
  • Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care. Learn what to do if you are sick.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow.
  • Throw used tissues in the trash; them immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • If you are sick: You should wear a facemask when you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office. If you are not able to wear a facemask (for example, because it causes trouble breathing), then you should do your best to cover your coughs and sneezes, and people who are caring for you should wear a facemask if they enter your room.

You can also connect with others using a phone, Facetime and/or Skype in order to continue social connections and establish buddy systems and check in on elderly and vulnerable people by phone to make sure they are alright.

There are resources for managing stress and anxiety at or and the Hotline number 1-800-985-5990.


Protection against COVID-19
Protection against COVID-19


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Housing Opportunities


Housing Program including Public Housing and Housing Voucher Program.


Agency Development Projects will provide Affordable Housing for LHA Residents.


We welcome and look forward to doing business with all new vendors!

 This Month Events

 Date: 10/11/2024
 Office Closed Every Other Friday
 LHA Central Office
 Office Closing every other Friday

 Event Details

 Date: 10/21/2024
 Lakeland Housing Authority Regular Board Meeting
 LHA Central Office
 Board Meetings

 Event Details

 Date: 10/25/2024
 Office Closed Every Other Friday
 LHA Central Office
 Office Closing every other Friday

 Event Details

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